Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Dear Negative Ego re: {control issues}

Yesterday you knocked on my door countless times trying to egg me on, and putting negative thoughts in my mind in my interactions with this particular person who has aggressive control issues. She keeps trying to tell me what to do and what not to do, when she doesn't have a clear picture of what I do. You then kept on egging me, wanting me to react to her remarks.

I chose to dis-identify this person's behaviour from who she really is, i.e. she is a child of God and that her behaviour is not who she is. I also chose to dis-indentify the thoughts you tried to introduce into my mind. I simply allow them to slide off me.

I consciously breathed in God and breathed out God. And I know that all is well in God's reality.

I am glad I stayed with God.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Dear Negative Ego re: {household chores}

I saw how you tried to come into my mind when I woke up early yesterday morning with the aim to re-decorate the living room. I felt that the current setting in the living room was not allowing the energies to flow effectively. So I started thinking of a better layout plan. You tried to stop me by saying that re-decorating is going to be disruptive for everyone and that it was not worth doing it, you just wanted me to procrastinate.

I continued on with the plan in mind and gently told my daughter that all her toys will be moved, and she accepted it without putting up a fight. You negative ego then tried again to instill negative thoughts by saying that it will take up far too much time and energy to do this. But I ignored you.

Eventually it took less than 2 hours for me and my family to move the furniture around the entire living, cleaned up the dusty corners, packed the toys into a large wicker 'treasure chest' and immediately the entire room looked much brighter and bigger! The energies were immediately renewed and flowing much more effective. I am so glad to have put in the 2 hours even though we were going to have a pretty busy day.

We now have a much nicer family room to enjoy. No thanks to you negative ego.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Dear Negative Ego re: {guilt}

The feelings of guilt is something you use a lot to come into the area of parenting. I see it in action in my clients, in other people and I was not surprised when you tried to surface yesterday in my interaction with my daughter.

We were out running errands, and had lunch at the food court. I bought a vegetarian fried rice for her, not knowing that it was going to be slightly spicy. As she began eating it, she said that it was spicy but she insisted on eating it saying that she will drink water at the same time. You tried to move me into guilt. I caught you saying to me, "It is all your fault that she is not able to enjoy her lunch".

Immediately, I laughed at this thought, about how ridiculous it was! You diminished as soon as you surfaced.

My daughter did enjoy her lunch, she said it was delicious.

So negative ego, you can try, but I will never let you get the better of me.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [judgments]

I am glad I didn't let you have a hold on my mind when a friend whom I've not spoken to for years called me. Just a few weeks ago, I bumped into her nearby my office, but she turned away when she saw me. I let that go as I felt she still had some issues with me (whatever that may be!)

And then she called me yesterday. I was very surprised of course. And you, the negative ego kept on trying to instigate judgments, it was the perfect opportunity for you to come in and introduce negative thoughts about this person. But I am so glad that I was prepared, I knew what you would come up with in my interaction with this friend. So I squashed you in all your attempts to pull me out of centredness, and God consciousness. I focused on listening to my friend from a state of "Now", not allowing the past to affect me.  I am so glad to say that I scored for God! Not this time negative ego. Bye.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [little irritants]

Yesterday I bought a story book for my daughter which costs about $12. Later on in the day, I saw the same book which costs $10 in another shop. I thought to myself, I paid 20% more at the other shop! And I will never go back there again!

As I pondered on my thoughts, at first I thought I was coming from power. Then I realised that I made that decision based on disgruntled feelings. In a small way, I felt like I was 'cheated'. In other words I was a victim. And I had given you, the negative ego power over me over this small mater. I allowed you to instigate feelings of being 'cheated'.

So I decided to change the way I thought and felt. I decided that I now know another place to purchase the range of story books that my daughter enjoys at a better price. And that I paid the additional $2 the first time around as a 'service' to obtain this information. Once I looked at it from this perspective, I realised I was no longer a victim but a master of my consciousness, which in turn magnetizes greater abundance in my life.

I know this is true, because I have time and time again worked with the power of magnetization in a positive way. So negative ego, get out of my way, don't try to use the little things in life to get to my mind, I will make sure I am one step ahead of you. You have no place on my path to the greater abundance of God!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [hope]

I attended to some clients yesterday. And there was one particular person who was filled with anguish and difficulty that he was not able to see beyond his problems. You tried to instill a sense of hopelessness in me, saying to me that this is a lost cause. I quickly destroyed that thought, for I know consciously that we are all children of God and that in truth, no one is a lost cause. And in truth, everyone will eventually return to God in their own time and in God's time.

I am hopeful that things will get better for this person. If I am not able to assist him, I am sure some one else will. And that he will eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I say to you now, hopelessness of the negative ego that you have no place in my consciousness and especially no place in my service work. Be gone!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Dear Lower Destroyer re: {organisation of time}

I know you are from the negative ego thought system. And you tried to shake me up yesterday by attempting to destroy my organization and time. I was on schedule to get things done yesterday but you told me it is ok to break at that time to do other things because I deserve the break because I worked so hard over the weekend in Hong Kong.

I know I deserve the break, I have already planned a constructive day with time for rest, relaxation and work. So don't try to disrupt my time table and allow procrastination to take over me. Yes the tasks at hand may be mundane but they are necessary to get done. I kept my focus on service to God and ultimately, they were not as mundane.

I was glad I used your Higher brother, called the Higher Destroyer whose energy is like Archangel Michael or Lord Shiva, to destroy the thought of procrastination and delay. I felt powerful after destroying all the negative energies that tried to throw me off.

I completed all that I set out to do and more! I even had a really nice relaxing time reading. So lower Destroyer you can try, but your Higher brother is the one I choose to work with. For he is a part of God.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [children's vulnerability]

I saw how you surfaced in my young child last night. You made her feel powerless and angry. She was very upset that she didn't get what she wanted for dinner when we were out for a meal. And she said defiantly that she was very upset with her daddy because he didn't get her what she wanted. She folded her arms across her chest and said she will not eat it. I know this is your doing, negative ego. You made her feel powerless and you influenced her in thinking that she is justified in feeling upset.

So I told her, "Darling, don't give your power away. Don't get upset over this. Try this delicious noodles and you will like it." She sighed and gave it a try and realised that she likes this noodle and she felt really happy about it.

I know that you will keep on influencing her negative ego, but I will not let this happen for long. I saw how she felt and experienced the fact that she is not as powerless as she thought. She may not be able to grasp the concept in her 4 year old mind, but she felt it last night and the transformation was immediate. I am happy for her.

So this is a warning to you, negative ego, that you can try but you will never succeed in the long term.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [vigilance]

I watched for you yesterday. But it was not obvious to me, even if you did surface in my consciousness. I had a busy day with a workshop and sessions later. I was focused on doing God's work and perhaps didn't have the spare time to let you come in. Maybe you did surface and I wasn't aware. However, I am not going to rest on my laurels and I certainly do not think that you are gone for good. I know you will always try, but guess what, I will never give up my connection to God no matter how tempting, no matter how challenging you may have me perceive the world and my challenges.

I will continue to be vigilant and watch out for you because it is not my desire for you to have power over me in any way. I will continue to score for God.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [dreams, dream state]

there you go again....you tried to come into my dream state didn't you? In my half dream state this morning, you told me that there is nothing beyond life on earth. You showed me a space of nothingness and darkness. But you did not last long, I saw the light and brought in light in my inner vision. And I saw the most beautiful open field of lavender and a sense of peace and then you said, that I will be here all alone for  eternity because there is nothing beyond this. I told you to get behind me, you don't stand a chance! And then I brought in the energies of my I AM Presence and I felt the presence of God.
Why do you keep trying negative ego? Is it because I did a workshop on Integrated Ascension yesterday? The workshop went well and you didn't like it. Tough.
I will have another wonderful workshop today.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [care of the physical body]

Yesterday, you tried to make me give in to my weariness, I was tired and hungry after working all day with no time for lunch, back to back sessions all day long. You tempted me to want to eat unhealthily because my body was hungry for anything. But I remained focused and glad to have told you: not this time buddy. And I chose the healthier but limited option. I feel better for it this morning. And I am looking forward to another wonderful day in HK.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Dear negative ego re: [irritation, judgments]

Yesterday you tried to instill agitation when I was tired after my flight and having to wait a long time at immigration. Then the Q at the shuttle bus was long and people were cutting Q. You tried, very hard to make me have judgments about the people cutting Q. I was closed to giving in to you. But I caught my myself and decided it was not worth it. I let it go and the man behind the counter attended to me quickly.

When I go on the bus, you tried again to make me feel irritated when the people who cut my Q decided to sit next to me across the aisle. They were talking loudly. But I told you, not now. I am going to enjoy my ride. I was rewarded with a beautiful view of Kowloon.

Negative ego, I know you will try hard but my perseverance is stronger. Next...