Saturday 21 November 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [little irritants]

You've been trying pull me off centre the past few mornings. I am happy to say by today, your voice has almost diminished with regards to the situation with my dog. I am not going to give you power in this, so you might as well stay away.

My 13 year old beagle, Trix who is deaf and almost blind has picked up this habit of barking now every morning at 5am. Beagles with sharp noses can smell anything a mile away. So Trix knows when I am awake even though she is confined at the back kitchen for her own safety (but she can smell me!) and she is insistent that taking her for her walk should be the first thing I do now instead of waiting for 6 or 6.30am, which means my morning routine is also now thrown off. So she barks to get my attention and she knows that I will go to her because I don't want to wake the entire neighourhood up with her incessant baying. Her barking tends to echo through the whole condo estate!

Anyway, negative ego, your efforts to introduce irritation and anxiety towards the dog is not working. I spotted it on the first day they surfaced. But I chose not to energise them, but made the conscious effort instead to remain even and calm. Changing my morning routine is no big deal, it is working out fine with me and Trix. So negative ego, stay away!

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