Saturday, 10 April 2010

Dear Negative Ego re: Interruptions

I was invited to a give a one hour talk on Positive Psychology sometime during the week to a well known property company. The participants were late in showing up and by the time I started the talk it was 15 mins past, even then not everyone has turned up yet.

So throughout the talk, we had people streaming in, interrupting the talk every few minutes or so. I had to remain focus so as not to lose my concentration as they had to walk across from my side of the room to the seats. It was your chance negative ego to jump in to try to bring in energies of agitation and frustration and being judgmental towards their tardiness. You wanted me to comment on their lateness, but I stopped you and said, let it slide. You wanted me to stop talking, keep silent and look at the late comers in the hope of embarrassing them. You wanted me to do these things to focus on their faults. You wanted someone to blame. And I do not even understand what is it that you want others to be blamed for. For I know that you negative ego is just unreasonable. This is how you are.

I refused to give you the energy to move further and insisted on remaining still in the eye of the hurricane you were attempting to expand. I delivered the talk and at the end of it had an interesting discussion with some of the participants.

I had a nice time and was glad I didn't follow your tune in focusing on being a fault finder. Be gone negative ego!

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