Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Dear Negative Ego [re: accident]

While waiting for the bus this morning, a lady stood next to me and she dropped her umbrella on my toes (I was wearing sandals). The metallic part of the umbrella hit directly on the most sensitive part of my 2nd last small toe. I went ouch! and lifted my leg up not being able to put it down due to the pain.

The lady as if oblivious to what has happened, slowly picked up the umbrella and without looking at me, muttered sorry as though it was my fault for being there! You, negative ego really wanted my inner child to react towards her oblivion, wanting to send her negative vibes. So I said to you, negative ego, come on! this is not what I want to do. And proceeded to tell my body that this is a good reminder to ground my energies through my foot.

I almost chuckled out loud at the comedy of it all. So negative ego, here's another one for laughing you off stage!

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