Thursday, 29 October 2009

Dear Negative ego re: [illusion]

I was contemplating upon the actions of a friend. I observe that he often pretends to be something he is not. I see how you the negative ego works within him, to give him a false sense of confidence, a false sense of security and a false sense of reality.

You tried to make me CRINGE when he said somethings he should not have said in front of people he didn't know that well, in an attempt to show that he is knowledgeable. Unfortunately, it only shows how ignorant he really was, like a frog in a well. You almost succeeded in making me feel embarrassed for him. But I took a step back and reminded myself that this is not my lesson. And that I am not responsible for his actions so I am not going to give you, negative ego the pleasure of putting me in a position of being embarrassed. Because embarrassment is one of yours, and is not of God.

Be gone negative ego! I won't buy into your illusion.

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